Reentry Resources
Our combination of education and job training results in successful reentry of previously incarcerated individuals back into their communities and the workforce. It is our mission to assist our participant employees in gaining marketable job skills and invaluable work experience inside our production plants. Just prior to release, we provide both current and former program participants with resources specific to the county where they plan to live.
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The transition from prison to the community can be challenging – not only for program participants, but also for their families and the community. In addition to our reentry management plans, Maryland Correctional Enterprises (MCE) developed the C.A.R.E.S. program to assist participants in the process of fully integrating into society following their release.
C.A.R.E.S. Program
MCE’s Continuing Allocation of Reentry Services (C.A.R.E.S.) is a reentry program for program participants nearing their release. C.A.R.E.S. has been providing reentry services for individuals preparing to reenter society since 2008. Given the complexity of the challenges faced by returning individuals, a reentry program focused on a single area may not adequately address the issues faced by this population. C.A.R.E.S. believes in a holistic approach for its graduates. The mission of this program is to reduce recidivism or the return to criminal behavior. The C.A.R.E.S. program classes are currently held at Maryland Correctional Institution at Hagerstown with local staff partners.
C.A.R.E.S. Program Curriculum:
- Cognitive Behavior and Relationship Building, an integrated cognitive behavior change program for participants, helping to create change in both thinking and behavior for a reduction in re-offending.
- Employment Readiness Workshop (ERW), CARES ERW class provides students with assessments, interviewing skills, a typed self-created resume, labor market information, job searching strategies, general information and skill building in ‘soft skills’ required in today’s workplace.
- Financial Literacy and Credit Counseling, utilizing various programs offered by Community Partners, C.A.R.E.S. prepares participants for possible financial challenges as they work toward financial stability.
- Transitional Planning, participants can receive assistance from an MCE reentry staff member to evaluate their specific situation and needs.
- Reentry Prep and Life Skills Training, C.A.R.E.S. provides participants with the necessary tools needed to reintegrate back into society to navigate day-to-day challenges.
- Reentry and Coping with the Effects of Trauma, a 7-week reentry program with a holistic approach to reentry.
- Conflict Resolution, a 3-week workforce development workshop to learn and practice skills to effectively resolve conflicts in the workplace.
- PREPARE, a partnership between PREPARE and C.A.R.E.S., educating participants on building a comprehensive portfolio in preparation for a parole hearing.
Resources for Returning Citizens and Employers
Federal Bonding Program
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Form
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program
Maryland Workforce Exchange