How to Order from MCE
Maryland Correctional Enterprises (MCE) can accept orders using credit cards (VISA or MasterCard) and purchase orders.
Purchase Order Procedures:
1. Purchase orders are received by the Customer Service Dept. and are date stamped.
2. They are reviewed for accuracy and must include the following:
a. Purchase order number and/or credit card number.
b. Complete "bill to" information.
c. Complete "ship to" information. Please include end users name and phone number.
d. Complete item number and color selections.
e. Quantity.
f. Current Prices.
g. Authorizing signature.
3. Purchase orders are processed within 3 business days and MCE CO # (customer order number) is created. Please refer to your CO # when calling Customer Service with any inquiries and/or questions.
4. This serves as your receipt that we have received your order and it is entered into our production schedule. Please review it for accuracy and call Customer Service with any discrepancies and/or questions.
5. Any incomplete purchase orders will be returned to the procurement agent after 3 attempts to get any missing or corrected information and/or within 3 business days, if we still have not received a corrected purchase order.
Note: To help expedite the order processing and delivery time, please include the end users name and phone number on all purchase orders.